“Camp Lejeune Legal” is an association of law firms working together to pursue federal claims under the Camp LeJeune Justice Act. Henson Fuerst of Raleigh, North Carolina (www.hensonfuerst.com) will associate with Watts Guerra LLC and the Law Office of Douglas Boxer for these claims. The attorneys of Henson Fuerst are licensed in North Carolina, and Henson Fuerst is the North Carolina firm responsible for the contents of this advertisement. The attorneys of Watts Guerra LLC working on this matter are licensed in Texas, the District of Columbia, and Minnesota. The Law Office of Douglas Boxer attorney is licensed in California. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Services might not be available in all states. Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. *Erin Brockovich, Jerry Ensminger, and Mike Partain are not attorneys.